Student Dashboard

UX Design, UI Design

Iteration proposal for the study chart functionality, rethinking the presentation of students' individual and comparative performance in relation to competitors.
The graphics are part of a study platform for medical undergraduate students who decide to pursue a medical career as a specialist and need to pass a qualifying exam.
In this project I was responsible for conducting an initial project briefing meeting in a workshop format, creating a survey in a questionnaire format to send to students and translating the findings into a new wireframe proposal. Then the wireframe was translated into a high-fidelity prototype for development.

Interface prior to iteration

107/5000 As it is an iteration of an existing functionality, I performed an analysis of the current platform.

pergunta desafio workshop design


In the current interface at that time, students could select to view performance according to 3 institutions of interest in which they would take the aptitude exam.
According to this selection, they would visualize:

grafico numero de horas estudadas

- Total hours studied , total hours studied by competitors and total hours studied by approved candidates (data related to approved candidates was not available, as there was no such information in the database);

grafico consumo objetos de estudo

- Percentage of objects consumed , percentage of objects consumed by competitors, and percentage of objects consumed by approved candidates (data related to approved candidates was not available, as there is no such information in the database);

grafico exercicios realizados

- Exercises completed , exercises completed by competitors, exercises completed by approved candidates (data related to approved candidates was not available, as there was no such information in the database);

grafico exercicios realizados

- Correct answers in simulated questions , correct answers in simulated questions performed by competitors, correct answers in simulated questions performed by approved candidates (data related to approved candidates was not available, as this information was not available in the database);

grafico exercicios realizados

Points of attention:
- Two messages related to student consumption and proficiency, with practical tips on how to improve performance.

grafico exercicios realizados

Proficiency in specialties:
The numbers compare the performance of students, competitors and approved candidates (the data related to successful candidates was not available, as there was no such information in the database).

grafico exercicios realizados

Pace of study:
- Metric of the content consumed in relation to the total content of the course.
The figures compare the performance of students, competitors and successful candidates (the data related to successful candidates was not available, as there was no such information in the database).


During the workshop for project briefing , we use the CSD matrix for envisionar the challenges of the project. Through this methodology, we aligned the certainties, doubts and assumptions that would guide my research with users in the future.


matriz csd certezas


matriz csd certezas suposições


matriz csd certezas dúvidas


I have collected feedback from the platform users through a research form, therefore understanding their needs and preferences while using the performance graphs functionalities.

pesquisa questionário usuários

pesquisa questionário usuários

pesquisa questionário usuários

pesquisa questionário usuários

pesquisa questionário usuários

pesquisa questionário usuários

pesquisa questionário usuários

pesquisa questionário usuários

Research Insights

- Keep the comparison between the student and the competitors;
- Main data to be presented;
- Maintain progress in each specificity;
- Student preference charts;
- Main difficulties: lack of organization and discipline of studies.


wireframe graficos dashboard

wireframe graficos dashboard

wireframe graficos dashboard

Prototype Version 1

prototipo ui interface graficos dashboard

Prototype Version 2

prototipo ui interface graficos dashboard

Prototype Version 3

prototipo ui interface graficos dashboard

Prototype Details

- Magenta represents all student data, while white represents competitor data;
- The graphs can change color (green, yellow and red) to represent the probability of passing the exam.
- General notes and grades for each exam.
- Tips on what and how to study to improve overall performance.

prototipo ui interface graficos dashboard

prototipo ui interface graficos dashboard

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